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根据国庆节放假以及校历的相关安排,我校将于:国庆节:10 月 1—7 日放假调休,共 7 天。9 月 29 日(星期日)、10 月 12 日(星期六)上班、上课。9 月 29 日安排星期五的课程,10 月 12 日安排星期一的课程。为保证同学们假期安全、并能按时返校学习,现将有关安全事项提示如下:
All international students must comply with Chinese laws and regulations in addition to our university’s policies. Violation of national laws, ordinances, and statutes will result in legal penalties from the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice, and, depending on the severity of the offense, will be given a serious warning that could lead to expulsion from Nankai University. Of special note are common violations such as illegal working with student visa, expired visas, unruly behavior due to alcohol, and disturbing the peace when staying off campus.
Speaking politely in public, comply with public orders, avoid staying out at the bar or other public places too late, and avoid over-drinking. Please pay attention to your personal safety, especially for students living off campus. Don't go out late at night.
Do not trust the unknown phone call, or do not trust the fraud message or notice about any lottery winning or money transfer.
Students who need to ask for leave must do so in strict accordance with Nankai University’s policies regarding taking leave for international students in addition to notifying and receiving permission from relevant teachers and departments. And register your accommodation within 24 hours of arrival at your destination.
Before leaving, check that room’s water, electricity, etc. are turned off and keep away from and flammable or explosive materials.
Take care of personal items and belongings, and if avoidable, abstain from carrying valuable things.
Please abide by all traffic regulations and pay close attention to traffic safety. Riding motorcycles is not permitted. When riding battery-operated vehicles do not over speed or overload. If riding a bicycle, do not go against traffic or run red lights. When riding an electric bicycle, you should get off it immediately if a failure happens.
Pay attention to the safely using electricity, do not using the prohibited or high-volume electricity equipments, like the electric blanket, electric stove. Do not change the electricity wires or structure without any permission. If ones find unusual situation in wires, please report to the personnel in charge of dormitory!
Tips to prevent theft and fraud: Do not carry a lot of cash when going out. Do not let strangers stay in your room. When leaving your room, make sure to lock windows and balconies. Refuse any form of marketing and protect your personal information. Take care of your personal documents, and do not let others use them on your behalf. Always carry a photocopy of your important documentation (e.g. passports), especially pay attention to any kinds of tele-fraud.
In order to abide by dormitory rules, remember that the use of high-power electric cook tops and other flammable appliances are strictly prohibited, please use the public kitchen when cooking food, and abstain from cooking in room.
Make regular security checks, strictly abide by the electricity system and prohibit unauthorized access to wires or unauthorized changes in power equipment, and cut off all power when leaving the dormitory.
Do not burn debris in the building.
Do not carry flammable, explosive and dangerous chemicals into the dormitory.
Do not use Quick heater or Electric blanket.
Do not use alcohol stoves, kerosene furnace, coal stoves and other burning appliances.
Do not occupy and block the evacuation channel.
Do not smoke in bed and throw about cigarette butts.
Do not damage fire extinguishers and fire fighting facilities.
Respond to Fire Case
一、及时逃生: Escape:
If you are in a building and smell smoke or see fire, get out quickly. Leave a burning building and then call the fire department.
Sleep with the bedroom doors closed. If the smoke detector sounds, crawl to the door to breathe.
Close doors behind you as you leave.
Use a stairway, not an elevator, to escape from a burning building.
If you're trapped by fire and heavy smoke:
Place a wet towel across the bottom of the door to prevent smoke from entering the room.
Open the window slightly and hang something out of it (like a shirt or towel) to attract attention. Leave the window open an inch or two for ventilation and stay down low.
If your clothes catch on fire, stop right where you are. Drop to the ground. Roll back and forth to put out the flames.
Know Use a Fire Extinguisher
Here are 4 main types/class of fire extinguishers based on the type of fire they combat.
A级 - 普通可燃物
CLASS “A” – Ordinary combustibles
B级 - 易燃液体
CLASS “B” – Flammable liquids
C级- 电气设备
CLASS “C” – Electrical equipment
D级- 可燃金属
CLASS “D” – Combustible metals
How to Use a Fire Extinguisher (P-A-S-S Procedure)
Follow the 4-step P-A-S-S procedure
1.拔掉保险销。Pull the pin.
2.将喷嘴瞄准火源。Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire.
3.挤压或按下压柄。Squeeze or press the trigger.
4.左右移动灭火器进行灭火。Sweep the extinguisher from side to side.
Tips for Safe Use of a Fire Extinguisher
Test that the extinguisher works before you approach the fire.
Protect yourself at all times.
Keep your BACK TO THE EXIT – so you always have a way out of the room at all times.
Stand 2 to 2.4m (6 to 8 ft.) away from the fire.
八里台校区:23508962; 津南新校区:85358962
If you have any emergencies inside the campus, please contact the University Security Department by 23508962 (Balitai Campus), 85358962 (Jinnan Campus)
公安:110 火警:119 急救电话:120
Please contact the relevant teacher for emergencies. If you need urgent assistance, please call one of the following numbers:
Public Security: 110 Fire: 119 First Aid: 120